“behold, i am against
the prophets,” saith
the lord, “who with
sweet tongues say,
‘the lord saith’”
As once a six-winged seraph lifted, on the altar’s tongs,
a lit coal to sear
a prophet’s unpurged mouth,
& Ezekiel chewed a papyrus scroll
written outside & in with oversweetened
words of lamentation & song & woe, & slow-
of-tongue Moses,
holy-inhabited, still
stood before Pharaoh quavering
through his uncircumcised lips—
so, betongued & vatic, speak of this
spotted rose snapper: through its gills
crawls a parasitic crustacean
tongue-bug, c. exigua, hard-
segmented, white-shelled, to fix
its seven pairs of hooks
into the mouth’s artery & blood-
suck the fish’s tongue down to a stub
to supplant that shrivel
from now on with its own
fastened-on & tongue-rhymed body—
—Let the Spirit of the Lord
speak through thee, and His word
be in thy tongue, be
what tongue thou have,
exoskeletal, lingual & occupying
(Son of Man, eat
what thou findest,
eat this scroll). Peering
out toward incoming
scraps of sustenance
through the snapper’s pink, possessed gape, those black
teeth-encaged eyes, that mouth enmouthed…